Always test in an inconspicuous area to determine suitability. Intended purpose shall soley be the responsibility of the user. We recommend using eye wear, rubber gloves, and have adequate ventilation when working with these products and stone surfaces.
Download our newest Quartzite Stain Removal Guide
Oil Stains: (vegetable/olive /cooking oils etc) Mix Baking soda with Acetone into a paste and place onto the stained area. Allow to sit for 24 hrs. Remove and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary. Stone should be re-sealed when completed.
Organic stains: (food products,mold,mildew,plant runoff,dirt/soil,urine and pet stains: Take a paper towel or cotton balls or white terry cloth towels soaked in liquid bleach( any brand) and place on stained area. Allow to sit for 24 hrs and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary. You may spray bleach on stained areas and scrub with a soft nylon brush then rinse with water. Bleach does not harm natural stone as long as it is rinsed each time and seal/ maintained properly. (Acids harm stone).
Rust & Iron Mineral Stains: Using 12% Hydrogen Peroxide add to baking soda and mix to the consistanry of pancake batter. Place on stained area and allow to sit for 24 hours. Remove and repeat as needed. For vertical surfaces use cellophane plastic and blue tape to hold and secure.
Soap Scum/Calcium Build Up/Water Deposits: Using a new single edge razor blade gently scrap/shave from the surface of the stone. Use a stone cleaner such as Granite Gold with a soft nylon brush or Scotch Brite pad to finally scrub and clean.
Adhesive/Ink/Glue/Tar/Wax and resin Based Stains: Using Acetone, Laquere thinner, any brand paint, glue, adhesive remover i.e. Goof off, Goo-gone, or Motsenbocker (Home Depot) Use as Directed and rinse with water.
Scratches: Using a cue-tip soaked in linseed oil or cooking oil, rub onto scratch several times this should hide or improve the appearance. Certain stones may darken to much so test in an inconspicuous area. Some scratches will hide well by using a good quality paste/carnuba wax.
Etching: Most etches have to be removed by a professional. For minor etching, spotting or ring marks. Using a good quality carnuba paste wax (2-3 Coats) will hide or improve the finish of the stone.
Chips, Cracks, Voids, missing grout/ caulking: Again most of these issues must be fixed by a professional. Using a compound such as grout, caulking, epoxy, casting compound such as Fixall added the appropriate color will help with holes in Travertine, cracks and chips in most stone surfaces.
Sanitizing/Disinfecting: Using a solution of 1 part bleach and 10 parts water apply to surface allow sitting for 5 minutes and rinse with water. This will kill 99% of germs.
These Tips are only suggestions and advise. We recommend you consult with a stone care professional. It is the responsibility of the owner/applicator to test in an inconspicuous area to determine suitability and results. DO NOT mix any of these products together.
You may contact our office for further information at 858-530-8185.
Never use ordinary, everyday household cleaners on granite or any other natural-stone surface. They damage natural stone and can lead to costly repair or replacement.
Frequently sealing granite countertops and all other natural-stone maintains maximum surface protection.
Use and keep door mats clean to minimize the dirt and micro particles from wearing into your stone floors.
Be sure your vacuum attachment does not scratch stone floors. Avoid dragging objects across stone floors. Weekly damp mopping keeps the floor free of abrasive particles.
Properly caring for granite countertops and other natural stone starts with daily or as-needed cleaning to reduce dirt, oil penetration and water spotting.
Using a squeegee on shower walls helps prevent water spotting and soap scum build-up.
Polishing granite countertops and other stone surfaces such as shower walls will enhance color and sheen, and provide added protection to help prevent etching, water spotting and soap scum build-up.